Belfast Bikes vandalism on the rise

The Belfast Bike scheme is sending out new feelers across the city - but vandalism is also on the rise.

Belfast City Council says it saw an upsurge in vandalism of the docks over the summer - but promises it is taking action.

The most recent addition to the bike share network is a new docking station at the Mater Hospital which has now opened for business - providing a fresh link to Crumlin Road Gaol.

But it was disappointing yesterday to see images, posted on Twitter by @grumpy_focker, showing apparent damage to three stations at a dock in the Holy Lands area of Belfast.

A spokesperson for Belfast City Council said today: “The bike share scheme is well used by commuters, residents and visitors with August being our busiest month with over 21,000 trips taken on bikes.
“It is typical for public bike share schemes to experience some level in vandalism and there does tend to be an upsurge during summer months with a decrease in winter period.
“Any vandalism is disappointing but we are working with the police and local community representatives and reviewing our security with the bike scheme operator NSL to deal with the situation.
“We condemn all acts of vandalism and would encourage individuals to report incidents either to Belfast City Council or Crimestoppers for follow-up action.”
The council says incidents can also be reported directly to Belfast Bikes on 034 3357 1551 or by emailing
“Users should check the bike is properly docked – the green LED will flash and beep – but give the bike a pull to ensure it is locked in,” the spokesperson advised.

Belfast Bikes says it is looking at possible expansion into East Belfast and the most popular docking stations in August were Odyssey, Titanic Belfast Met and Donegall Quay, followed by Royal Avenue, City Hall and the Gasworks.
