Four in 10 drivers admit to speeding in safe 20mph zones

As children head back to school, shocking new statistics reveal that four in every 10 drivers admit to ‘sometimes’ speeding at more than 10mph over the limit in a 20mph zone.
According to the survey by road safety charity Brake and Direct Line, more than a quarter of drivers also say they regularly speed in areas designed to keep children safe.

In 2014, 53 children under 16 were killed and 2,029 were seriously injured on UK roads - amounting to almost six children seriously hurt or killed every day. The majority (80%) were on foot or bicycle at the time.
Most 20mph zones are in the vicinity of schools and homes where many children will be regularly walking and cycling.
The World Health Organisation recommends 20mph limits as a key measure to improve pedestrian safety and save lives.
The new survey shows that four in ten (40%) of drivers admit they sometimes travel at 30mph or more where there is a limit of 20mph.
More than a quarter (26%) of drivers say they do this at least once a month and just over one in five (21%) admit to driving much faster than the 20mph speed limit on a weekly basis.
Brake says speed limits are put in place to keep all road users safe, especially vulnerable ones like children, and that they can make the difference between life and death.
“If a child runs into the road three car lengths ahead, a driver travelling at 30mph will not be able to stop in time, and will still be travelling at 28mph when they hit the child,” a spokesperson says.
“A driver travelling at 20mph should just be able to stop in time, providing they are paying attention, have well-maintained brakes, and are driving in dry conditions.
“There is plenty of evidence to show that lowering traffic speeds, and lowering limits to 20mph specifically, reduces casualties and creates a safer road environment, especially for those on foot and bicycle, but of course this only works if limits are adhered to.”
One trial of 20mph limits in Warrington found that pedestrian and cyclist casualties dropped by 36%.
Meanwhile, analysis of 75 20mph limit sites in Scotland found casualties dropped by 42%.
Campaigns advisor for Brake, Alice Bailey, said: “All parents want to know their children are safe while travelling to and from school and playing outdoors.
“Speed limits are in place to keep all road users safe and if tragedy strikes and a child is hit by a car, the speed it is travelling at could be the difference between life and death. 20mph limits benefit our communities in so many ways, keeping them safer, cleaner and greener; when limits are lower many more people choose to ditch the car completely and walk and cycle instead.
“If people feel they have to drive, the lower speed limit will have a negligible impact on travel times and bring so many other positive effects.“
